
摩西會幕- The Tabernacle

注意 : 需然還有基督徒的朋友未看,不過不能再等了! 已把摩西會幕內的Post card 相片Delete 掉了! 如果還有興趣看的朋友請私人PM奇啦!

摩西會幕- The Tabernacle

奇本想遲的去南美洲和偷偷的去遊古巴, 經過菲律賓的事件發生後,實在無心情去這些較亂和危險的國家了! 旅程要推遲了, 而其中美國對南美的多個國家一直有旅遊警告的, 美國更不准許國民去古巴的! 雖然一直都想去古巴!為免家人擔心, 現不會去南美和偷偷的去古巴! 以前曾經聽有旅行家說為何美國長期對一些國家如南美國家和對墨西哥發出旅遊警告,現在經過菲律賓的事件後便明白了!

先 Post 之前去過的摩西會幕的相片,遲的同大家介紹返啦!不過遲 D 同大家介紹完後, 會 Delete 摩西會幕這篇遊記的, 因為於會幕內是不准拍照的, 今次的相片多是用Post Card 的, 所以同大家介紹完後會 delete 了!

摩西會幕為於之前介紹過的Amish County 附近, 大約在公元前1450年,以色列人在埃及為奴四百三十年後(摩西五卷的第二卷出埃及記記載),上帝差遣摩西去引領以色列人出埃及。 摩西就依照神的吩咐去見法老,法老不相信,後來經過十災後( 血災, 蛙災, 虱災, 蠅災, 畜疫之災, 瘡災, 雹災, 蝗災, 黑暗之災,長子之死災),摩西終於將以色列人領出埃及。 摩西帶領他們渡過紅海,三個月後來到西乃曠野。 在西乃山上,
神將律法和會幕的指示給摩西, 而會幕就是當時以色列人敬拜上帝的地方。

"And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell their midst." Exodus 25:8
“又當為我造聖所、使我可以住在他們中間"- 出埃及記 25:8

Tabernacle Reproduction - The tabernacle stood in a courtyard measuring 75 feet in width and 150 feet in length.  Around the outside of the courtyard, a linen fence hung upon 60 posts. These posts were 7.5 in height and were spaced 7.5 feet apart.  They were placed in brass bases and had silver tops or crowns upon them.  Ropes and pins held the posts securely.  At the eastern edge of the court was a gate measuring 30 feet in width, through which the priests and Levites passed.  It was the only entrance into the outer court.

會幕外有洗濯盆和銅祭壇,而幕是會敬拜上帝的地方,會幕內的框架是用木造和包金的。內有兩個房間,第一個房間是聖所,只有祭司才可入聖所, 聖所內有金香壇、放餅的抬和金燈台。而第二個房間是至聖所,裡面放了約櫃。

Courtyard Sculpture - The priest assisted in transferring the sins of the people to the head of the sacrifical animal.

The Laver (洗濯盆) - Located in the tabernacle courtyard, was constructed of a  highly reflective metal, copper or one of its alloys, brass, or bronze.  The priests used the water in the laver for various types of washings and ritual cleaning.

The Brazen Altar 銅祭壇 - Located in the courtyard of the tabernacle, was constructed of acacia wood overlaid with copper or one of its alloys, brass or bronze.  Various types of sacrifices were offered on this altar as depicted by figures shown.

The Holy Place 聖所 - of the tabernacle contained three pieces of furniture - the golden lampstand, the table of shwebread, and the incense altar. (This one is from Post card!)

The Incense Altar  -  Located in the holy place of the tabernacle, was contructed of acacia wood overlaid with gold.  Priests burned incense on this altar twice daily. (This one is from Post card!)

The High Priest 大祭司- (This one is from Post card!)

The Golden Lampstand  金燈台 -  Located on the south side of the holy place, was constructed from beaten gold.  Fashioned with a central stem and six branches, the lampstand provided light for the priests as they worked inside the tabernacle.

The Table of Shewbread 放餅的抬 -  Located on the north side of the holy place, was constructed of acacia wood overlaid with gold.  Displayed on the table were 12 loaves of bread representing the 12 tribes of Israel and varous utensils used inside the tabernacle (This one is from Post card!)

The Ark of the Covenant  位於至聖所裡面的約櫃 - Located in the most holy place of the tabernacle, was constructed of acacia wood overliad with gold.  Two golden cherubim spread their wings over the solid gold mercy seat.  Stored inside the gold-lined ark were a copy of the Ten Commandments, Aaron's rod that budded, and a golden pot of manna.  The high priest entered the most holy place once a year to make atonement for his and the people's sins.(This one is from Post card!)


朱古力世界-甜蜜蜜的朱古力旅程 Part 2

朱古力世界-甜蜜蜜的朱古力旅程 Part 2

繼續介紹返上次的 Chocolate World, 其實這地方對於中國人的遊客來說是一個熱門的地方, 而這地方給其中一位朋友猜中了,可能這位朋友的學識廣博呢!雖然英文叫 Chocolate World, 不過這較多人喜歡叫這地方的中文名稱為 "朱古力" 工廠。 小朋友如果想玩下朱古力工廠的話, 可以拍照做一個工作證。

Chocolate World 內亦有朱古力美食廣場。




看看 有多少 Hershey's 的朱古力是大家認識的呢?雖然Hershey's 在北美洲是第一的(中國也可能是), 但走的是較平價的路線, 所以可能香港並不太流行!  這裡有的朱古力是以磅計的。 Reese's 的 花生朱古力杯,奇的印象在香港是不常見的, 不過奇有些香港朋友很懷念的, 邊位朋友喜歡 Peanut cup 的話 PM 奇啦! 下次有機會回香港的話, 給你們做手信吧!

號稱是世界上最大的 Choco Bar, 有五磅重的!


也有朱古力味的 Lip Stick。





Hershey's Chocolate World 位於賓省的 Hershey 小鎮內, 距離之前同大家介紹過的亞米西人之地約大半小時的車程。Hershey Chocolate 朱古力的產量是佔全世界等一位的,大家能猜猜一年的朱古力的產量是多少呢? 如果講出來的話,可能會嚇了大家一跳呢!至於產量是多少?奇先賣個關子,下次再告訴大家,或者邊位朋友能猜到的話,我送出 5 張 Postcard 給猜到的人!奇之前同大家介紹過美國的 M&M 世界, 但其實M&M的流行程度是沒法和 Hershey 比美的!


Hershey 有人稱作赫氏巧克力,在香港不太流行, 但在台灣和中國國內卻十分流行,台灣朋友多稱作赫氏,而國內稱之為好時巧克力,至於國內怎樣流行? 全世界只有四間的好時朱古力世界大型的展示中心,而其中一間便是位於中國上海, 也是亞洲的唯一的一間。

朱古力大享 Milton S. Hershey 於1907年於這小鎮創建朱古力工廠,Hershey 先生把一部份賺來的錢來發展這小鎮 (Hershey),Hershey 先生相信 (Building a town, not just a company),他認為作為一個成功的工業家應該公平的對待他的工人,給予工人們舒適的環境,於是他便於小鎮上建造房屋給工人居住, 並且建立學校給工人的孩子讀書,另外,他亦於小鎮上建立教堂、公園和動物園。Hershey 的事蹟實在值得大家欣賞, 這些都是值得世界上的無良商人、無良企業家和無良心+賤格的地產商學習的!

朱古力世界內的朱古力歷險旅程,遊客們必玩的第一個旅程 (免費玩的)。


跟著同大家踏上這個朱古力的歷險旅程,大家準備坐上像過山車似的小型導賞車,把自已化身做可可豆,沿途親力感受朱古力的製造過程,除了用眼睛感受外,還可用鼻去聞和感受的呢! 準備化身成可可豆了嗎?


其實制造朱古力的過程主要為 Raw Ingredients -> Cocoa Bean Processing -> Milling & Pressing -> Refining -> Making Hershey's products。
Raw Ingredients 主要為可可豆, 大家於過山車內都經歷到和可可豆一樣的歷程, 可可豆結過篩選後,便會經過高溫烤焗 (dry, roasted cocoa beans),然後去皮 (separates the shell from the inside of the bean - called the “nib.”)。

跟著再磨壓 (Milling & Pressing),之後便會成為又滑又深色的朱古力的液體 (chocolate liquor)

然後便可以混入可可油、牛奶和糖了 (Mixing up),最後便可制造成各樣不同的朱古力產品了!

歷險完後每人都送一塊朱古力作記念! 立即食呢!

Chocolate World 內亦有其它活動如 Create your own candy bar 和 3D 朱古力 Show 等等, 不過就要付費!



Longwood Gardens Part 2 - 長木公園 (香水館)

Longwood Gardens Part 2 - 長木公園 (香水館)

上次介紹完長木公園後,今次繼續行埋另的一半吧! 我們先遊下室內的花園。室內花園行大也有專 for 兒童的 Indoor Children's Garden、 Ballroom、 Pipe Organ Museum & Gallery! 主題館之多數也數不完!

這是 Fragrance Path, 一路行過可聞到不同的花香汽味。



行完整個花園了! 全程約需三小時! 下次再同大家去朱古力冒險旅程吧!