
優山美地國家公園 -Yosemite National Park (Part 2)

優山美地國家公園 -Yosemite National Park (Part 2)
Mist Trail (霧之小徑)

繼續同大家遊優山美地國家公園,除了於上次同大家介紹過的冰河點欣賞巨大半圓岩石(Half Domn) 和瀑布外, 大家亦可行 Mist Trail 去觀賞 Vernal Fall(春天瀑布) 及 Nevada Fall (內華達瀑布),亦即是遊客所稱的上瀑布和下瀑布(Upper Fall & Lower Fall),
不過這是十分考驗大家的體力的活動! 就算是上去上瀑布的來回時間也要成四小時, 路經很多超斜的石級呢!

旅客們都不能夠車直達Mist Trail (霧之小徑) 上山的起步點,所以遊客們都要乘坐公園內的Shuttle bus 前往起步點, 一批一批的行上山。 旅客們通常都要於早上出發,於中午前到達瀑布的觀景台,以免於中午時的烈日當空,行得更辛苦!

優山美地的另一地標-North Domn

Mist Trail (霧之小徑的沿途美好風光)-Merced River , 霧之小徑可行到公園的最高點-Clouds Rest , 意思高到是雲層的安居所。 不過就唔知要行多久了! 中途亦要扎營才能到達!

行了約兩小時,終於看到瀑布-Vernal Fall了!


跟住再向上瀑布進發, 不過行了一段時間後, 實在太熱和陽光太猛,所以不再行去上upper fall,因為要上upper fall 還要多行兩小時, 已經有朋友受不了,於是便回程落山腳。

於8000年前,印地安人已居住於優山美地這地方了, 過住自給自足的生活, 當然現在已沒有印第安人居住了。 大家可以參觀以前印第安遺留下的遺址, 這裡亦展示了他們以前生活的用具, 了解當時原住民的生活!

The Ahwahnee Lodge

(Photo is from internet)

還記得之前同大家提起過英女皇曾經參觀過這國家公園嗎? 當時她便居住於 Ahwahnee Hotel。  不過大家想住她住過的 hotel 也不是沒可能的, 因為最的的酒店房間有四百多元一天的。

Yosemite Curry Village Cabins and Tents

(Photo is from internet)

另外想與大自然接近的話,可選擇住Cabin , 約$110一晚, 不過旺季時要一年前預定架!

15 則留言:

  1. 很喜歡第一張和Vernal Fall.

  2. 相好靚啊! 有樹會一定要去看看啊!

  3. ....咦....係其中一張靚相到....我睇到彩虹哩.....

  4. 有無係彩虹出現許個願呢 ? Kei! Happy New Year ! 希望你的探險之旅願望成真!

  5. Thank you for sharing.

  6. I want to go there this year

  7. 好靚的地方!只有歐洲地方才會有這些如畫的風景區
    [版主回覆01/10/2011 10:21:00]Yes, I think you are right! However, I start falling in love with Central America and South America.  Tonight, I spent sometime to think back about what I have done in my life.  I felt that I hadn't done so well in my life including family, love, career,....etc..  I was kind of upset...Then, I feel that I might remain the same in future..  There was one thing came up to my mind that why I don't do something special in my life such as working in those NGO in central America.  There might be nothing to lose for me...  , for this reason, I will think deeply during my long retreat in Central America!

  8. 利4個鍾
    [版主回覆01/10/2011 10:14:00]why? 

  9. 想問一問你是否ROAD TRIP呀?
    [版主回覆01/10/2011 10:11:00]是次 San Jose 租車去的, 租了一個星期!  因為如果 join tour 的話, 只會是到此一遊形色!

  10. 想問一問, 你是否ROAD TRIP呀???
    [版主回覆01/10/2011 10:13:00]都是開車去較好,可以去哂三個國家公園!

  11. 我三月份想去呀, 計劃會FLY到VEGAS先, 再租車囉....一個星期吧 你話三個STATE PARK, 哪三個呢? 我想CAMPING呀, 如三個都可以CAMP下就好了
    [版主回覆01/10/2011 11:33:00]Those 3 national parks are Yosemite National Park, Kings Canyon National Park, and Sequola National  Park.  Sequola National Park 紅杉國家公園.   is also great! I have updated it in my blog.  There are also camp sites inside of the park.  However, you need to see how many people are going with you, so that they can share the cost with you.  Be careful with those bears of you go camping in there.  Those bears can break your car and get the food.  We rented  the motel outside of the national park zone, because it is much cheaper! The bad thing was we needed to drive to the park for almost an hour everyday.   Also, you can consider about staying in cabin.  You can get closer with the nature!   It is good that you go to Vegas first, so that you can go to 4 national parks including Grand Canyon!  I have seen cabin in Yosemite, but I don't if there is any cabin in others 2 National Park.  I do sure others 2 have camp sites.  Camp sites look very big in there. 

  12. I have been to Yosemite Park  a few years ago. Its beauty is like in Heaven.

  13. 優山美地真是名符其實!
    [版主回覆01/11/2011 11:06:00]據悉這樣詩情畫意的名稱是台灣人改的!

  14.  我家孩子對旅遊遠不及hk仔~它日maggie若想去玩~就叫hk仔向您取經
    [版主回覆01/11/2011 11:05:00]請教就不敢當!同 hk 仔研究下啦!  不如叫他跟我走一轉中南美州吧!

  15. 你带唔带團呀?想叫囝囝跟你四圍遊。
    [版主回覆01/12/2011 09:54:00]囝囝想去邊?
