
Statement by the President on the Lunar New Year

Statement by the President on the Lunar New Year(美國總統發表的農曆新年賀詞)

"I send my best wishes to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and all who celebrate the Lunar New Year across the United States and around the world.

As people of all cultures and faiths welcome in the new year, let all of us celebrate our families and our ancestors, and enjoy the company of our loved ones.  Across America, in large cities and in small towns, many will mark this occasion with festive celebrations.Many Americans of Asian descent will carry on the rich traditions of their heritage, reminding us again that America’s strength comes from the richness of our cultures and the diversity of our people.

I wish all who celebrate the new year peace, prosperity and good health"

(The White House, Office of the Press Secretary 2/2/2011)

剛看到有一網站說因中國強大美國總統也發表賀詞,所以奇Post 白宮的原文給大家看看, 哈哈!大家留意第一句吧!

另外我們平都聽到老外說瑪恭喜發財-Kong Hee Fat Choy, 不過其實大多老外可能只明白這一包, 其它的恭賀說話可能不明的, 昨天同以前一位同學研究過,其中有一個國內的網翻譯得很好的, 今次同大家分享一下! 除 "Kong Hee Fat Choy" 外, 我們也可用英語說其它的恭賀說話呢(這些賀詞暉春多點呢)!

恭喜發財    Wishing you prosperity
和氣生財    Harmony brings wealth
心想事成    May all your wishes come true
吉祥如意   Everything goes well
國泰民安    The country flourishes and people live in peace
招財進寶    Money and treasures will be plentiful
一帆風順    Wishing you every success
步步高升    Promoting to a higher position
出入平安    Safe trip wherever you go

Wishing you Prosperity

