First Public School/ Statue of Benjamin Frankin (富林克林雕像)
富林克林是美國的重要歷史人物,他是著名政治家、科學家及發明家。他是美国革命時重要的领導人物之一,參與了獨立文件的草擬,曾出任美国駐法國大使,成功取得法國支持美國獨立。富林克林於小時開始已多次進行電的實驗,我記得讀小學時,有一課書是關於富林克林於雷電下放風箏的故事,不知大家有讀過這課書嗎? 後來他發明了避雷針及蛙鞋等等。我小時看到他的故事後,曾經亦立志要做一個科學家,可惜.......而富林克林亦於美國獨立後擔任了美國首任郵政局長。
Embeded in the sidewalk in front of Old City Hall is the mosaic City Carpet, whick commemorates the sites of the first public school in the U.S., Boston Latin School (1635).
Old South Meeting House-舊南方議會廳,
Old South Meeting House- Where the Boston Tea Party Began!
當時英殖民地的人民都同英國人一樣,有飲茶的習慣, 但英國卻收重茶葉稅,而茶葉稅是英國政府逼美洲殖民地人民搞獨立革命的導火線,這個議會廳在這反對茶葉稅歷史事件中有重要地位。而因為當時茶葉稅重的關系,很多人都喝不起茶,所以很多人都以飲咖啡來代替茶,而可能因為這樣,飲咖啡習慣流行起來。
Build in 1729, the largest building in colonial Boston, was used for public meeting when the angry crowd outgrew Faneuil Hall. The most famous of the meeting was held on Dec 16, 1773, when over 5000 gathered to protest the tax on tea.
Old State House Museum - 舊州政府, 宣讀獨立宣言的地方。大家留意屋頂角落的金色獅子像,會否似曾相識呢? 香港殖民時期的建築也出現很多。但可惜的是香港能保存下來的實在太小,令我們的回憶也小了!
Built in 1713, the Old State House is the Boston's oldest surviving public building.
The site played a central role in the story of rebellion, from the Boston Massacre in 1770 to Jame Otis' 1761 speech against the Writs of Assistance to the reading of the Declaration of Independence from the east balcony in July 1776.
Faneuil Hall - 范威爾禮堂Faneuil Hall,以前波士頓人民開會的議會堂,
Faneuil Hall - The building was a gift from wealthy merchant Peter Faneuil in 1742. Faneuil Hall served as a meeting place, and open-air market. It was here that Bostonians began their opposition to Britiesh authority.
Freedom Trial Costumed Guild
黃昏的Old South Meeting House.
今次Boston 的兩天兩夜沒有洗澡及住宿的行程共同花費:
$30USD (Bus Fee) + $2USD (飲料費用) + $5 USD (Breakfast) + 12USD (賭場巴士過夜包自助晚餐費用) + $36 (觀鯨魚) + $15 (Dinner) + $2USD (Boston Chinese Supermarket onsales 餅乾) = $102 USD
全程花費 $102 USD, 覺得Boston 值得參觀,因為可以看到很有歷史建築物,而且可以體驗到一種感到與其它大城市如New York, LA.....大大不同的感覺, 漫步於這城市中,你會有好Relax 的感覺,節奏沒香港及NY快。 這處真的感受到好有讀書文化的氣息,可能是因為名校多的關系! 你會發現這裡十分清潔,連China Town 都是較世界上其它的China 清潔,但可惜今次沒有去參觀英國清教徒的落腳地 - Plymount. 下次有機會一定要去 Plymount 參觀, 下次有機會去旅遊費城後,再同大家介紹多一些關於美國獨立歷史的景點吧! 希望今次行程,大家不覺得悶啦!
資料來源 : A map and guide to walk throung America's history