

Avatar & 高鐵

今天去了看 Avatar,已有幾年沒入電影院院看電影了, 很難得才有這電影可以吸引到奇進電影院呢!

這裡 IMAX 3D 的票價是 $10 USD, 不知香港的票價是多少呢?

3 則留言:

  1. 你果邊平好多wor<hk130幾呀
    [版主回覆01/22/2010 11:01:00]When will you go to watch this movie?  Is $130 HKD for IMAX?  I suggest that you watch this movie in IMAX!

  2. 真係平好多. 好睇嗎?
    [版主回覆01/22/2010 10:59:00]Avatar is the best movie I have ever seen!  Especially if you can relate the issue of Hong Kong building the rail with this movie, you will feel touch!

  3. $10USD only?  It is $16USD in NYC.  But Avata is a nice movie.
    I went to see another movie, Percy Jackson last wkd.
    [版主回覆02/19/2010 10:33:00]yes $10 on Wed. morning!  Is Percy Jackson good movie?
