
古埃及丹都爾神廟-Temple of Dendur

古埃及丹都爾神廟-Temple of Dendur  (我的旅遊存貨)

The Temple of Dendur (Dendoor in nineteenth century sources) is a Nubian temple that was built by the Roman governor of Egypt, Petronius, around 15 BC.

The temple is constructed from sandstone and measures 25 meters from the front stonegate to its rear as well as 8 meters from its lowest to its highest point. A 30 metre wide cult terrace overlooks the Nile.

Egyptian chamber, looks like a terra-cotta warriors, head into the hall is a spacious indoor pool,
lighting and glass window of transmission of sunlight shining sparkling water waves, probably the performance of the Nile.

The temple is partly decorated with reliefs: the temple base is decorated with carvings of papyrus and lotus plants growing out of the water of the Nile, which is symbolized by depictions of the god Hapy.

God of communication ?

Let u walk into The Temple of Dendur

The temple was removed from its original site (about 80 kilometers south of the town of Aswan) in 1963 in order to save it from being submerged by the construction of the Aswan High Dam. The temple was awarded to The Metropolitan Museum of Art by Egypt in 1967, in recognition of assistance in saving various other monuments threatened by the dam's construction

