
Black Friday Mission Completed!

Black Friday Mission Completed!

感恩節 11/25 晚去了我哥哥嫂嫂家, 他四個兒子連埋我七個人都食唔哂一隻火雞,食剩的火雞我還拿了雙腿、雙翼和雞腔回家吃,還剩下相片中這樣多火雞肉, 他說已經是於Costco選買最細隻的了!  相片中食剩的火雞還可做粥同沙律食,而剩下的骨以做湯 

昨天十二時深夜去到 walmart, 通宵排隊至早上五時開始售賣特價品,終於買到了$199 手提電腦和$20的PRINTER, $199的手提電腦只發售27部。 當晚Walmart算做得不錯, 通宵開門給客人進店內排隊, 客人進店後可選擇自已想買的特價品的排隊地方去排隊。 電腦的特價品是較多人排隊。

去完Walmart後, 約早上六時,跟住立即前往Bestbuy, 當時已排隊排得很利害,排了四個多小時,最後終於買到我的心頭愛,$199 的Netbook computer。 回家已經是11:30am.  通宵排左成十一小時, 即刻食返個公仔面,跟著立即上床 ZZZzzzzzzz!


$199 手提電腦,只有27部, 奇是最後一個排到第27部的人。據悉排前面的人是晚上六時多開始排的!

排完手提電腦後$20 的 All-in-one Printer, 真係重低過買 Ink 啊!

$199的NETBOOK.. Netbook 是預備拿去遲的是墨西哥和危地馬拉旅行和返香港時用的!  奇已有兩年多無返香港見家人了!

$20 的 Printer 約省下$20, 手提電腦約省下$100,而Netbook computer 省下$30, 全部加埋共省下約$150USD。

14 則留言:

  1. Thanksgiving-->eat, eat, eat
    Black Friday-->buy, buy, buy

  2. You bought a laptop? You ate the turkey?

  3. 我今年乜都無買。

  4. Kei 可以在異鄉和哥哥一家吃火雞,有個温馨的感恩節呢!
    Black Friday 你都心想事成買到想要的東西了,恭喜 恭喜!
    Black Friday,我跟女婿到Simi Valley他弟弟的家吃晚飯,我們在下午2:30已去到。我獨自從屋苑步行到市中心,不想買衣物,所以沒有去逛Macy百貨公司。
    [版主回覆12/01/2010 10:40:00]我較喜歡 Walmart 的衣服!  很少去 Macy 呢!  我都喜歡素菜煲的!

  5. 咁多平貨...一定買得好開心啦~
    [版主回覆12/01/2010 10:37:00]好開心呢! 

  6. 我上年電腦節都買郭hp 打印機,都係300蚊,net book千6,7都買到部la
    [版主回覆11/30/2010 12:01:00],net book千6,7都買到部la
    我這兩部新電腦都是中國做的,但 win7 用不到我而家有的九方輸入法, 所以唔知點樣係新電腦打中文

  7. Kei:你好!這週末參加了旅行社去Maryland看冰雕,是中國哈爾濱送來,很有特色。還途經Adverture Aquarium  (Camden N.J.), Longwood Garden, 亞靈頓國家空軍紀念碑,和Washington National Cathedral,這一切景點都不錯,這一年感恩節假期過得很開心。
    Have a nice day !!
    [版主回覆11/30/2010 08:43:00]現在還有冰雕嗎?我都想去看!

  8. Hi Kei, we have at least 1 thing in common, having a career hardship, or to me pherhaps an extreme downfall!  I do envy u a great deal that at least u have the luxury, in terms of $ and time to travel around, exploring new ventures in life in a carefree style.  I would have done the same if I could afford it!  Having turkey with stuffings & cranberry sauce with family on Thanksgiving day is such a warm blessing.  Besides being able to do what u are doing, how can one manage to overcome stress & depression ?  If u happen to have an answer to it, drop me a few lines.  Meanwhile, good luck & continue to have fun. 
    [版主回覆11/30/2010 11:00:00]Thanks for your feedback!  It is great that we have things in common.  I think you are not the only one to face the difficulty right now!  Due to the econ. issue, the job market is so bad right now!  Those jobs outside  are low income, and do not provide benifits... Actually, I don't really have alot of money.  I have been trying to cut down my living cost.  It is easy for me to face his difficult time, because I am single.  Since the econ. is not good, I think it is good time to travel and explore the world..  Especially I have nothing to worry about! 
    How can I manage to overcome the stree and depression?  I think there is nothing we can do at this moment!  We can't control anything.. Just be positive...  If you think negative, everything will go negative!  We will be better tomorrow!  Hope you go handle it!

  9. 辛苦你了奇,我真的沒有恆心排這麼久的隊。

  10. KEI~見您開心買了心頭好~不由自主跟著您開心 星期六去wal-mart無平呀!您亞嫂煮TURKEY不錯呀~看來很soft~嘩!您亞媽生3個仔~您亞嫂仲4個 大家開下玩笑咋如果知道MARYLAND有冰雕~講聲呀
    [版主回覆12/01/2010 10:44:00]Turkey 是我哥哥整的!  我哥哥是一個好爸爸和好老公來的, 他當天整哂食物!

  11. 你打中文用9方ga ,你唔識速成或倉頡咩
    [版主回覆11/30/2010 20:41:00]九方較易用,以前用速成,不過因為我常記不起中文字怎樣寫,所以用九方較易,現在很多人都改用九方了!

  12. Hi Kei! I am back! how are you?? 沒有過來一段時間你已經去了很多地方!像你這種生活真好

  13. 美食醫生 - 許嫣2010年11月30日 下午5:47

    有冇聽過 「麥兜」食火雞 食剩好多嗰個故事?好得意架!
    [版主回覆12/01/2010 12:59:00]無聽過,可以講給我聽嗎?

  14. 中國人要 "消耗"一整隻人雞, 確係幾難.
    第一, 當然是大隻.
    第二, 可能與口味有關.
